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Add members with the Slack Integration
Add members with the Slack Integration
Updated over 2 months ago

Upon granting RandomCoffee access to your Slack workspace or channel, the user base on Slack will be seamlessly added to the RandomCoffee platform. This automatic sync ensures that all users can participate in the RandomCoffee programs without any additional setup.

How to setup the Slack Integration?

Open the "Settings" panel, and go to the "Configuration" section.

Select the "Slack integration" card and click "Install".

You will be redirected to a Slack page requiring permission to connect with RandomCoffee. Click "Allow" to grant required permissions.

To complete this stage, you must be authorized to grant required permissions.

Back on the RandomCoffee app, you can now select if you want RandomCoffee to provision all your Slack users or only specific channels.

RandomCoffee will automatically fetch the corresponding Slack users in the members database.

Existing members (duplicates) will be updated, and member variation (add/remove) from your Slack workspace will be automatically synchronized in RandomCoffee.

⚠️ By default, RandomCoffee is not allowed to access private channels, but you can add private channels to RandomCoffee easily, by following the steps described in the next section.

How to include private channels?

  1. Go to your desired private channel in Slack

  2. Type this command /invite @RandomCoffee inside the chat bar

  3. Once done, RandomCoffee will return a success message

  4. Go back to RandomCoffee app, you should now find your private channel (marked by a lock icon)

Please note that the old Free Slack bot will stop running if you uninstall it and connect the new Slack.

Those who have already installed it but never removed it, continue to have their matches. But as soon as you uninstall it and install the new one, you can't go backward.

Members synchronization

Members are automatically synchronized before each session.

You can also "force" the synchronization by clicking on "Provision" in the settings of your program.

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