1. Create your account
By clicking on the link provided to you, you will be able to create an account. Fill in your first name, last name, business email and create a password.
By clicking "Sign up free", you will receive a verification link by email to confirm your account creation.
The verification link expires after 3 days, so make sure you activate your account soon!
2. Create your workspace
Once you verified your email, you will be redirected to the following page to configure your workspace.
Enter your organization name in the field called "Workspace name".
Specify your organization size by selecting it in the drop-down list.
Enter your role, then click "Continue".
3. Customize your workspace
Help us tailor your experience by letting us know your purpose for using RandomCoffee!
Choose the initial use case you'd like us to set up for you. You can fully customize it later. It's just a little help to get started.
4. Connect Slack or MS Teams
If your organization is using Slack or MS Teams, we strongly encourage you to synchronize it with RandomCoffee.
Otherwise, you can click "Continue without sync" and add members using other methods later.
RandomCoffee proposes 3 communication channels: emails, Slack, MS Teams.
5. Invite your team!
You can choose between 3 options to invite people to join RandomCoffee:
Import a member list via a .csv file
Send an invite link
Connect your HRIS
You can also continue without adding people and do it later.
Have you completed these 5 steps? Well done! 🥳
You now have access to the RandomCoffee platform!
Check your emails, we just sent you one... 😉