What are the "Team permissions"?
Thanks to this new feature, you can manage the permissions of each administrator independently.
It's particularly useful in the following cases:
You have a "Super" Admin and other Admins who are responsible for their own programs
Only some Admins should be able to modify other Admins' permissions
You don't want an Admin to be able to know which programs are created / managed by other Admins (and therefore to check / download the results of these programs)
You don't want an Admin to be able to download the entire list of members
You want to control who can add / edit / remove / activate and deactivate / export members
You can grant/remove permissions at 3 levels:
How to change an Administrator's permissions?
Open the "Settings", and click "Team permissions":
Click "Edit Permissions" next to the Administrator's name
By default, all permissions are granted. You can deactivate them as you want!
Click on the following permissions to learn more about them.
Delete members
Modify other admins' permissions
Click on the following permissions to learn more about them.
Add (create) programs
See and manage programs -> You can choose to grant this permission for all programs, or for specific program(s) only
Click on the following permissions to learn more about them.
Access overall metrics dashboard
Export data
Then, save your modifications. Permissions are updated! 👇