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Admin Portal overview
Admin Portal overview

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to your RandomCoffee's Admin Portal.

Updated over a month ago


This is the first page where you land by entering RandomCoffee as an Admin.

You can see how many programs are running, the date of the next rounds, as well as a quick checklist with the essentials steps to go through to get the most out of RandomCoffee.

Scroll down a little bit, and you will find more information about:

  • Your programs with their status and upcoming sessions

  • Other trending programs from our "Use Cases Library" that may interest you

At the bottom of the page, you will find quick links to go further with your setup (adding a custom domain, connecting your HRIS, adding SSO...).

You can also reach out to us from the "Talk to our experts" section, and check our knowledge base... well, you're already there 😉


The second panel is the "Dashboard" panel.

Regarding this topic, we'd rather refer you to this page, which details everything you'll find in this Dashboard view!


In this panel, you have 3 sections:

All Programs

Here you will find all your programs by status.

Use Cases Library

Here are all our templates, feel free to browse them and use the ones that fit your use cases! Everything is fully customizable when configuring your program.


Check all your sessions (for all your programs) at a glance!


The "Members" panel is divided into 4 sections.

All Members

This section is a key one! From here, you can manage your members, add new ones, change their status, etc.


Here you can find your categories, that are labels or profile information linked to each member.


When you invite specific people to join RandomCoffee by entering their email addresses with the "Send an invite link" option, they will appear here.


This view gives you a complete history of actions taken on the member list.



Here you can change your organization name ("Team name"), as well as the default language for your RandomCoffee account.

Note that members can change their language preferences in their Member Portal, if activated.


Replace the RandomCoffee's logo with your own! It will be displayed on the service pages:

The logo you choose will be displayed in all services pages of all programs.

Billing & Plans

Do you run on a Basic, Pro or Enterprise plan? All the details of your subscription are here!

You current plan is highlighted in blue (Pro plan in the example below).

The Pro plan works with dynamic billing based on the number of active members over the billing period. Use the Pricing Calculator available in the "Subscription" tab to visualize the cost depending on the user tier.

Example: you subscribed to a Monthly Pro plan for 130 users (members) in March, for $215. However, you only added 48 members to the platform during this first month. So you will be billed $71 in March. In April, you want to launch a big program for an audience of 500 members, and add 477 new users to the RandomCoffee platform, for a total of 525 (48+477) active members now on your member list. Thus, in April, you will be billed $827 (since you have 525 active member on your RandomCoffee platform, even if all members do not participate to RandomCoffee).

Do you have more than 1000 members in your RandomCoffee platform? Contact us for switching to an Enterprise Plan!

In the "Billing" tab, you will find more information about your billing frequency, your payment method, your free trial (if you have any), etc.

This tab also includes a chart helping you visualize the number of active members in your platform across time.

If you add/remove members from your platform, the changes may not be immediately reflected in the graph of the "Billing" tab. Please wait a few minutes until the data synchronizes. We are currently working to improve this! 🛠️

Sending Domains

By default, all emails are sent by:

By adding your own domain, you will be able to define the "from" and "reply-to" addresses and names for each program.

Whitelisted domains

Adding a whitelisted domain to your RandomCoffee account ensures that only users with email addresses from specific domains (e.g., your organization's domain) can sign up and participate in RandomCoffee. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures that only verified members are part of the initiative, especially if you are using the "Invite Link" option when adding members.

You can add several whitelisted domains.


This sections allows you to configure several advanced settings regarding:

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