How to add one or a few members manually?
Open the "All Members" section and click "Add new members".
Select "Add a member manually".
In the screenshot above, you can see that the Admin added a Category called "City". You can either enter the right city if you know it, or leave it blank.
As well as for the .csv import option, you'll be prompted to choose whether to send a Welcome email to your newly added members. This option is useful to present the RandomCoffee initiative to your new members and invite them to access their member's portal (if you enabled this feature in your Configuration panel).
✨ Pro tip
We highly recommend activating this option, along with the Member Portal, to maximize member engagement from day one. This ensures they have all the necessary information to understand RandomCoffee and fully leverage its features. They will also be able to personalize the application with their preferences, and even create connections on their own. Delivering a positive member experience from the outset leads to a greater long-term return on investment for you!